Monday, April 27, 2009

You Are Not The Father!

I'm off work today...home and keeping a wary eye on this swine flu business...I'm a nurse, and virology has been an interest of mine for a long amazes me the damage a microscopic organism can cause on the human body...we're built so weak it's scary sometimes...ugh...i'm digressing again..sorry..
Anyway, I can only take so many CNN loops, spongebob isn't on yet, and I'm channel surfing...have I mentioned I HATE daytime TV? What I saw reminded me of a blog i did a few years ago back when yahoo360 was hot, myspace was that new new, facebook was a gleam in a geek's eye, and tweets still meant birds outside your here's the repost, and sadly it's still just as true...

Well damn....that's all I can say....just damn....BUT....I do have a few questions...cuz I'm not understanding.....perhaps I'm out of the loop...maybe I'm gettin old....who knows?

But fareal....why in dahell would you drag ya bidness all out on national TV??

AND (this shit here just floors me...I don't think I'll eva, eva, eva understand it...if ya'll do plz help a sista out aight) WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS FUKKERY WOULD YOU SIT UP THERE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION AND SAY THIS MAN IS YO BABY'S DADDY (damn I hate that term) WHEN YO ASS KNOW THERE'S THE EENSIEST CHANCE HE AIN'T..... and then these heffas sit there lookin all shockfaced and cryin and surprised...WTFImage......and the worst part is you know these wenches have been worryin the hell outta these men, their girlfriends (or wives or boyfriends or wateva), their mamas, friends and other various family....and why??? all over sum BS cuz he's not the daddy.....SMH

The only thing that makes me feel just a tad bit better is that there are almost as many white ppl on these type of shows as there are black....but still....damn....

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