Monday, April 27, 2009

My Thoughts on Abortion

My mind is all over the place an email from a friend and it got me to thinking...I'm not gonna disclose her business...but from the nature of the post, i'm sure you smart people will figure it out.

Now, that said, this topic has been debated hotly for the last 25+ years in this country..

I cannot understand how the government thinks that it should have the right to regulate a woman's as a personal choice, abortion is not for me (been there, done that, not finna do it again), but i cannot tell another woman what the right choice would be for her, since i am not in her shoes or going to raise her child should she decide to keep it..

I talk to people all the time that are thinking about having an abortion...have had an abortion...couldn't fathom ever having an abortion....and I understand all of their points of view....what i don't understand (i know sum of ya'll out there are pro-life reading this blog soooo just hit the comments button and enlighten a feeble mind, will yaImage) Is how the people that are pro-life can sit there and tell a woman "yes have that baby" "its wrong to kill that baby" "you're a sinner and a terrible person for what you are about to do" .....Who died and made them God? Last time i checked...there was only one person that I had to answer to for the sins that i commit...and the pro-lifers weren't it....And another many of these "pro-lifers" have taken in and raised babies that would have otherwise been aborted? I don't know of ANY that have...i even tried to google it how is it that a person can tell you "have that baby" without knowing you, your situation, your financial means....

And what about the women that are raped and molested and become pregnant as a result? Can you imagine going through sumthin like that, only to find out that you are pregnant and then to be told that u didn't have a choice as to whether or not you could terminate that pregnancy?

Or the women, who for whatever reasons, pregnancy causes life-threatening risks....abort and live or carry your baby and die? Not a choice i wanna have to make for someone else...let alone myself...

And women that are carrying babies that are severely deformed or severely mentally retarded..I know that we all joke around about "short bus speshul" but I'm talkin' the ones that aren't even able to qualify for short bus status...babies that if born, only live hours or days and their short lives are filled with pain and the torture of the tubes lines and wires of the NICU (neonatal intensive care fa those that don't know)

These are all very personal choices that should be made by the person in the situation, not by a law or regulation that does not take into account the individual's personal situation...

Now, the other side of this is the women that use abortion as a form of birth controlImage . I think that these women are despicable and that it is totally wrong and they should have their tubes tied...but @ the same time it's not my body or my choice....and like i said @ the beginning of this blog...I'm not raising their babies (my tax dollars might but shit i need my Friday nights free lmao)

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